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Autumn 2017 newsletter

Seating design

 Dear Residents, here are the latest updates regarding the estate.

Gardening / Planting etc

The gardeners continue to do a fantastic job keeping out estate looking tidy and attractive. If you prefer to look after the immediate area around your property, have a word with the gardeners or let your Court Rep or one of the Directors know so that area is left alone.

Now autumn is upon us, sweeping up leaves and rubbish or bin spills in and around your property would help to keep the estate looking neat and tidy. The gardeners haven’t always got time to do this and the Council cut-backs mean that road sweepers are a rare sight these days. If you are able to do this (even though we realise that some people do not have much time), it would be greatly appreciated.

Deneway Close play area: despite some sterling work attempted by residents, the overgrown area at the bottom still needs to be cut back. Well-established holly trees, brambles and bracken etc need cutting back and removing. We’ve consulted with the gardeners who have agreed to finish the job by the end of autumn. They have the proper tools and the resources to dispose of the greenery.

Volunteer Gardening Group

We’re always looking for volunteers to join an informal gardening group to help maintain areas that have been renewed on the estate.

Contact Bo (0161 432 4851) or

Pat (0161 432 6716

Recommended Traders

We are continuing to build up a list of companies that people have used to carry out work on the estate. If you would like to access the list or add anyone to it, please get in touch with Pat.

Neighbourhood Watch

The estate representative is Phil Mason at 3 Dene Court. Phil is happy to respond to those who get in touch about neighbourhood watch issues.

(email:  [email protected]).

Deneway Estate Website

This is very near completion and should “go public” soon. It’s been a bit of a long and fiddly job, but it should be a useful resource to find out about the estate; and see any missed newsletters etc.

Estate Directors

Thank you for many recent offers of help with the day-to-day running of the estate. Ev  Speak has offered to be a Director and Phil Speak as Court Rep for Deneway Close; also both for general IT and spreadsheet gurus.

Estate Painting

Quotes have been collated and questionnaires regarding what needs painting on individual properties will soon be delivered – these are to be handed back to your Court Reps or a Director.


Welcome to everyone who has moved onto the estate recently. Linda has been busy delivering a welcome pack and a small gift to newcomers. The Directors and Court Reps are available to help if there are any questions or issues. Please don’t hesitate to ask.

Court Reps

We are pleased to have Marilyn Cole as Court Rep for Elizabeth Court. If anyone would like to represent Dene Court, we’ll be nearly up to strength. The Court Reps’ contact details can be found at the end of the newsletter.

We would of course welcome any help towards running the estate in any capacity. Many thanks to those who have recently offered help – it is very much appreciated.

Andrea Lloyd

As some of you might know, Andrea died in July after a short but amazingly courageous battle against her illness. Andrea was born on the estate and returned to live here for most of her adult life. As well as having her own career in media and marketing, Andrea worked tirelessly for the estate, keeping an eye on the finances and making sure the estate ran smoothly. She was highly organised and her vast array of talents will be missed by many. She was a loving daughter to Bo and Andy, sister to Gareth, mum to Thom, partner to Chris and a loyal friend to many.

Thank you Andrea – you are irreplaceable on so many levels.


Pat Flynn  ( Director and Court Rep)     

16, Deneway Mews

0161 432 6716

[email protected]

Bo Cochran (Director and Court Rep)

11, Burley Court

0161 432 4851

[email protected]

Ev Speak (Co-opted Director)

Phil Speak (Court Rep)

10 Deneway Close

0161 432 2130

[email protected]

Marilyn Cole (Court Rep)

12 Elizabeth Court

0161 442 0205


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