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Month: June 2018

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Summer 2018

 Dear Residents, here are the latest updates regarding the estate.

Gardening / Planting etc

The gardeners continue to do a fantastic job keeping our estate looking tidy and attractive. If you prefer to look after the immediate area around your property, have a word with the gardeners or let your Court Rep or one of the Directors know so that area is left alone.

Due to the estate being gifted some garden sculptures, these are now being positioned around the gardens. Please contact Pat Flyn or Bo if you have any preferences as to where they are put or if you have any other suggestions.

Some of the plants have suffered due to the dry summer so we continue to ask you to water any plants in your court that look as if they’re suffering as the gardeners are often busy with their list of jobs.

Volunteer Gardening Group

We’re always looking for volunteers to join an informal gardening group to help maintain areas that have been renewed on the estate.

Contact Bo (0161 432 4851) or

Pat (0161 432 6716


The trees are due for inspection and may need trimming or lopping depending on what is reported. Earlier in the year, an apparently healthy tree fell in high winds and damaged a couple of properties. If you have any concerns about the health of any trees on the estate please bring it to our attention and we can have it more closely inspected.


There have been a few instances of theft and petty crime recently on the estate; bike theft and cars have been opened and items taken. The rest of the Heatons seem to suffer farworse from car theft and burglaries than we do thankfully but please take carewith home security and secure items left outside. If you see anythingsuspicious, ring 101 as the police need to know.

Neighbourhood Watch

The estate representative is Phil Mason at 3 Dene Court. Phil is happy to respond to those who get in touch about neighbourhood watch issues.

(email:  [email protected])


The estate painting is ongoing. The painter and his team only work part time but are doing a very thorough job and residents that have had their wood painted are happy with the results.. His job is being made more difficult by wood that is rotten and hasn’t been repaired. He is due to start on Elizabeth Court soon and then Deneway Close.

Deneway Estate Website

The website address is now:

which is much easier to remember. At themoment, it’s just a facility where newsletters. AGM minutes, accounts and relevant information are stored for those who want to download or discover a bit more about the history of the estate. We hope to learn much more about improving the website and making it a really useful facility for estate members to use. We also now have a facebookpage and a whatsapp group. These last two are very slow off the ground but wehope to use them for better communication in the future. If you want to beadded to the whatsapp group, send your request to Ev Speak via email or mobile (see end of news letter) with your mobile number and you’ll be added.

Community Areas

Please remember that these areas are for everyone to use. Unfortunately we still have complaints of dog poo not being cleared up.

Please remember too that play equipment should not be left out as the estate is liable if anybody has an accident.


Welcome to everyone who has moved onto the estate recently. Linda has been busy delivering a welcome pack and a small gift to newcomers. The Directors and Court Reps are available to help if there are any questions or issues. Please don’t hesitate to ask.

Court Reps

We are still looking for court reps for Dene   Court and any additional help for anything involved in the running of the estate is always appreciated. The management of the estate is run by volunteers and there is always the worry that if the volunteers dry up, the estate would be taken over by a management company and service charges would rise accordingly. Any help is always appreciated.

To download this newsletter – click here


Pat Flynn  ( Director and Court Rep)     

16, Deneway Mews

0161 432 6716

[email protected]

Bo Cochran (Director and Court Rep)

11, Burley Court

0161 432 4851

[email protected]

Ev Speak (Co-opted Director)

Phil Speak (Court Rep)

10 Deneway Close

0161 432 2130

[email protected]

Marilyn Cole (Court Rep)

12 Elizabeth Court

0161 442 0205

Website address:

Whatsapp group: send your mobile number to administrator Ev Speak on the above email and you’ll be added to the group.

Facebook: search for “Denepark” and request to join,